Hi folks, one other (and possibly crazy ) idea in hopes of attracting new posters is to do a mini-review on a cartoon or anime (written by a mod), whether it be by episode, movie, or series in general (as long as the series does not last that long).

Originally, I was planning to make this as a weekly review thing but due to time constraints with studies, there will be times where the reviews might come every other week.

So how are the cartoons are going to be picked? Normally, we try to pick a cartoon/anime that has aired something recently or an anime that's new or that's not known so well.

Be aware though, some reviews may contain spoilers.

Looking forward to your feedback. We'll see how this goes.

Series: Robot Chicken
Episode: Lust For Puppets (Originally aired- 11/5)
Channel: Cartoon Network

Well, it's been a while since I've watched Robot Chicken at all. But tonight, I managed to catch the recent episode and may I say, the show still holRAB a candle to its originality, parody, and humor as how it has done so in the beginning.

Here's how the various scenes broke down in this episode. And don't let the episode title fool you: It has nothing to do with lusting for puppets. *wink*

Scene 1: Montezuma gets his revenge. Apparently, there was a battle going on that led to what appeared to be the Inca pyramiRAB and Montezuma having been killed by taking a stab in to the chest. Through out the show, his ghost eventually pops up in hopes of having his ultimate revenge.

Scene 2: Something goes array in the world of Hollyworld and Cameron Diaz has a cancer that is so bad, that she only has 24 hours to live. It portrays Justin and Cameron still going out, perhaps a reference of their real life relationship. If this isn't the case, and it's just a coincidence, it's rather bizzare that Shrek 2 had a poster of "Sir Justing" in Fiona (voice by Diaz) bedroom. In hopes of making the most of her 24 hours, she takes her...um..."frustration" to various co-stars whom she starred in her movies.

Scene 3: In a twist to Calvin and Hobbes, Calvin gets a tiger named Hobbes as a present. While Hobbes seems like a real friend to Calvin, everyone else sees the tiger as a stuffed animal. Concerned that Calvin's mind may be warped, his parents send him to a therapist or going to get shock treatment. And then things go a little awry...

Scene 4: Mario and Luigi are riding in a single go-kart, parodying the famous Super Mario Kart series. They stop at a road with a sign that's pointing in two different directions. Eventually, the two wind up at a town just like the setting for the game Grand Theft Auto. However, upon entering Vice City, a gunshot deflated one of the go-kart tires so they take it to the garage in hopes of getting it fixed and getting a "pimped out" ride instead. Having parked right next to a parking meter, they realized they had no money. So eventually, they attempt to bump their heaRAB on brick walls in hopes of gaining cash. They happened to pick up Peach (who in fact was a prostitute) and Mario neeRAB his mushrooms so he could heal. They do get their "mushrooms" all right, which causes Mario to act rather...peculiar.
(Spoilers End Here)

So all and all, it's a pretty good episode. Had me rolling.

What did you guys think? Is this a good thread idea? Any suggestions for cartoons would be considered.

In fact, the last scene does remind me of Bert and Ernie being parodied in an episode of Family Guy.