When I listen to the news, especially right wing propaganda like FOX News, those talking head always denegrate and despise the Chinese and their government. When I here them say Communist is wrong and bad, they never back it up with facts or support for their disgust with the Chinese Communist government. They would just say, look at how they treat tibetans, look at the censorship of freedoms like speech and what can be on television. What about human rights violations, what about the one child policy? We in the audience are suppose to assume that all these words when spoken without a supporting argument is bad? Well let me take each word that is suppose to be bad and show how you white people are so dumb to swallow all this hate from white wing bigots that is so common in caucasion america.

One child policy is great - first of all, the goal is to not have so many babies that you can not support in the economy. afterall, you don't want to be like those in africa do you? I thought you americans always talked about why those welfare moms have some many babies that they can't support and instead eat up all your taxes and milk up your social give away funds? So I guess the one child policy is actually a smart and responsible thing to do right? of course. Now, there are 56 minorities in china, they can have two children or more. And, if a family has a girl and they live in the rural communities, they can also have an additional child. they can have two. Also, soon, this policy will change to accomodate 2 children as long as they are six years apart. yes, this is an ongoing policy by the commies, its like planned parenthood but done by adults, not sex craze irresponsible females like in the usa who just likes to get horny after getting bangged up in group sex after an alcohol binge with white frat boys. next, the commies have improved the economy of tibet and made their living conditions much much better. China does better with moving people from poverty to the next level up, better than in the USA. Next, it is interesting to me that in the USA, that Jesus guy with that bible of his. it is interesting that people don't have a problem with following the dictates of whats in the bible. it is interesting that they follow this jesus guy like he is a god or something. Well, you don't seem to have a problem with following the Jesus Dictator do you, so why you have a problem with the Communist CHinese Government? You know, you guys are screwed up. It does not matter what type of system you have for government, it is what people you have in it that matters. do you have good people that operate with the best intentions to make society better for all, or not. That is the only question you should ask. now, in USA, do you have the right people in government working for you? if the answer is no, then all your processes like voting, elections, parties, have all failed to put up the type of people that will make a difference in improving society. I think USA has failed miserably. That have 200 years of the same system of government, and their country is still a freakkin mess. So don't preach to us about running our country here in CHina, you white people all talk alot about how you have good values, but your people don't fit the bill, your people don't operate with morals, nor have integrity in running businesses, you talk about corruption? well you guys have legalized it and put pretty words to make you do bad things acceptable, just look at your wall street mess. all your top ceos from wall street financial firms should go to jail or be burned at the stake, but no, they are more rich than ever and none of them suffer as a result, in fact, your fed and treasury protects them to this day. Human rights? you guys don't have it, so stop preaching it to china. fuckwhitie.