Anyone else think Disney is getting sexist?

For example:

Sonny with a chance:
Sonny: I am officialy your fake girlfriend!
Grady: Well then make me a sammich!

Suit Life On Deck:
Estibon to his mom: You look...
Zack: I believe the workd your looking for is "hot"
Estibon She is my mother! The only place she looks hot is in the kitchen!

And lets not forget all the old movies!
Almost all the princesses always need a prince to save them :/


Fat guy i forgot the name of: I couldnt care of what she wears or what she look like, is all comes down to what she "cooks" like!

Mulans mom and grandma: Men want girls with good taste tall, obidiant, who work fast paste, and a tiny waste.

And much more :/