So, it's a New Year, and with that come many new resolutions that a majority of us will keep for a few months before allowing them to fall into the wayside. I know a lot of people who have said that, in this new era of life (I'm in that age group where people are about to go into University or the workplace), they are going to start keeping a journal or a diary.

So, what are your opinions on journal-keeping? I have personally been keeping a journal for a few years now, and the book never leaves my side. I write down the most mundane of things that make me feel good and also allude to the most important of feelings and scenarios that have come to fruition. If someone were to purposefully read this journal, I'd be more than upset, if only at myself for allowing it to get into their hands!

Do you write a diary? Do you think they're just a ruse that parents encourage so that they can know what's really happening in their children's lives? Why do or don't you write diaries?

Have at it!