Hi guys ! (:
So im just gonna get right on this, im 13, & ive been doing macro photography like this for about 2 years or so. It's just kinda something that came natural to me, when i got bored one day, and now it's pretty much my life. I hope to see myself in 10 years going to school for it, and such.
What im asking is ; if anything could give me tips of shadowing , lighting , angling , positioning , coloring , and so on, aha pretty much anything ! Im open minded to any tips , really.
So here's my flickr link ; http://www.flickr.com/photos/58075262@N08/
It's dead right now, cause i just made this account today ; and please ignore my name on all of em, my old ones ended up on photobucket and i got , no credit /:
Try not to mean , i really do put a lot of time into all of these . Just give me your opinions , and anything tips please and thank you .
1O points guaranteed for best answer (: