My ear was really swollen for a few days and hurt reallllly bad. It felt like there was a pimple or cyst inside of my earlobe. I was looking for solutions online and decided on applying heat with a hot rag with some slight pressure. I kept the heat on it for about an hour and went to sleep. At first there seemed to be no difference, but the next day I noticed this raised "bubble" forming. It has doubled in size over the last two days, and I really want to know what it is.

Day 1- Hurt and Swollen
Day 2- Hurt and Swollen/Applied Heat and Pressure
Day 3- Seemed To Be No Change, Still Hurt, Still Swollen
Day 4- Bubble Started To Form
Day 5- Bubble Growing
Day 6- Bubble Almost Twice The Size of Day 4 (Today)