Just a quick question guys;
Thanks heaps in advance!

Me and my business partner have had plans to start our business for 6 months. We had planned to start working on our idea as soon as we finished school (which was in November). Once November rolled around we did exactly this, we started working. Now it has come to a point where I am doing about 70%-80% of the work, and to make matters worse he has decided to take a 15 day holiday interstate. Now I was not too happy about this decision, however he assured me that we would do work whilst he is over there. Funny thing is though he has done nothing! When I called him last night to talk to him about the money I have invested into the business whilst he has been away, he notified me that he had done little work and that he couldn't talk because he was going to jump in the pool! Is this a business partner I should keep? This is the most important time for our business so far and he is off on a holiday! Everything is in my name so I could technically just ditch him, however he has been my best mate for the last 5 years. What should I do?

Once Again, Thanks in Advance!!