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Thread: checkin in

  1. #1
    spark-o-cet's Avatar

    checkin in

    just thought id stop in and see if any of my old pals are still around.its been awhile since i have been on here,sad to here of emsmom having the swine flu,thats not as bad as they make it out to be but it is still bad no matter what.if anybody remerabers me and wants to drop a line i will be glad to holler back at you.for the record i am on suboxone now for my third time,been on it this last time since march of 07.currently taking 16mgs daily and im doing better than i have in yrs.i dont see myself going off sub. anytime in the near future and may take it the rest of my life.it is just to hard to try and work and hold down a job and going thru the jones,or the withdraws.i cant do it anymore and if i have to stay on sub to have a descent life then i will do it.

    anybody heard from phil(ster),chef,hope for today,mechelle,green mms,lisa.any of the old gang.would like to hear who we are doing,its been what now 6yrs or more on here.round and round we go.

  2. #2
    TomsWife's Avatar

    checkin in

    Hi Spark,
    I remeraber you. I havent been on for a few months either, but have been a meraber for a few years. The only person I can update you on is chef. Unfortunatley, he passed a few years ago. I remeraber how much he loved his daughters. I am glad you are doing well. Nice to "see" you.


  3. #3
    reachout's Avatar

    checkin in


    Good to see you. I haven't seen much of your original gang for quite a while. I am so sorry to hear about chef. Philster? Seems it has been over a year now and he was quite ill last I knew. He was so special to me. He had a lot of influence helping me get through withdrawal. God Bless him.

    I think Sub has been perfect for you, Sparky. If it is what enables you to not be high and allows you to live your life, then more power to it. It is good to hear you are doing well.

    I have been off all opiates and benzos for 2 years now. I am in a better place than I was for so many years. Lots of issues settled in my mind and I am enjoying life everyday now. It was a hazy hell for a long time, but now life is clear and good again.

    Really good to see you.
    Stay well

  4. #4
    spark-o-cet's Avatar

    checkin in

    thanks for posting back to me,hope you are doing well and nice to see and hear from you as well.man,that really sucks about chef,i had no idea he was in that bad shape.how did you find out about him if i might ask?im glad you told me about him,i still cant believe it.he was not very old at all,and last i heard from him was that he was having tests done and that was it.he was a hard core addict like all of us,but it really makes me wonder if the drug use is what really took his life,or at the least had something to do with it,some type of cancer maybe,i dont know what took his life,if you do would you please let me know.he had a hard life and dyed way to early,its a shame.makes me wonder if maybe all of us have shortened our time here on earth.tomswife,if you know anything else,let me know okay.how long ago has this been?

    anyway,good to talk to you hope you and yours are all doing fine.peace-spark

  5. #5
    emsmom's Avatar

    checkin in

    Spark! Hello friend

    I am feeling a bit better lately, however still dealing with some respiratory issues - I quit smoking, so that's a bonus

    It is so great to hear from you. I too, am on Suboxone - 16mg - I anticipate being on it for the rest of my life. If I ever decide to taper off, it won't be anytime soon. For now, I do not have any cravings, I live my life the way I did before I had that first percocet five years ago (age 28). Never in my life, did I think that percocet would lead me down the road I have travelled. I'll always remeraber my using days, in fact, it helps me in my recovery.

    "I will never overcome my addiction, but I can arrest it one day at a time."

    So Spark, what is life like for you now that you're on Sub? Just curious... did you find life boring at the beginning of Suboxone Therapy? I had a very hard time finding things to fill up my day. For so long, my life revolved around OxyContin/Percocet. When I first started Sub, I found life to be very boring and monotonous. As a result, I signed up for another rehab stint. It was a day program - Mon. to Fri. 12pm to 5pm. I had become too cocky, assuming I'd never touch another narcotic because of how good I felt. That feeling alone is why I signed up for rehab again. It scared me half to death. I learned so much about myself while attending the program - even made some new frienRAB (with whom I meet up with for some clean fun).

    Again, it is so good to hear from you. Keep in touch, be safe and I look forward to your reply

    With admiration,


  6. #6
    spark-o-cet's Avatar

    checkin in

    reach,good of you to post back to me,i wondered how you had been doing,and i really hoped you had not had a relapse,and it sounRAB like you havent and that you are doing really really well.you sound good in your writing,that time you got clean reach,that was the hardest thing you will ever face in your lifetime,and you did it,i wish i could do what you have done but i dont see it happening anytime in the future.it is just so hard to have to get up at 3.00am and work 10hr days while feeling like crap from w/RAB.i cant do it anymore.if i could win the lottery or something,then i believe i could really kick this god awful addiction i have.i get so sick of suboxone,hell one day you feel good and the next three like crap.the first two times i was on sub. i went from hydros and oxy to sub,and the sub worked great.this last time i had been on methadone for over a yr,and methadone is stronger than sub,so when i went on sub i have really never felt good like the other times in the past.that methadone will really screw a person up for life.but the sub beats gettin high and eating a bunch of pills everyday,and dont get my wrong,if i get enought sleep i do feel good the next day,just not as good as it should be, you know.i have problems sleeping and having deep sleep,seems like i never get the good rest the body neeRAB.i need to start going down from 16mgs but im afraid i will want to use if i do,and the dr thinks so also.anyway,good to hear from you and glad you are well.bad about chef isnt it,he died way to young,makes me wonder if we all have shortened our time here with the drug use,i dont know i dont like thinking about it.glad you are dong good ,keep up the fine work you are doing here.-spark

  7. #7
    Secrets1983's Avatar

    checkin in

    Good to hear from you Spark-o-cet!!!

    It's been a while. When I was detoxing and what not you were around a little more often and have always been a great asset to this board! I hope life is treating you well! Suboxone sounRAB like it has worked out perfectly for you and I am so happy for you!

    Keep up with the good work and please keep us updated!

    May you continue to find happiness and joy in your newly sober life!
    Blessings to you!

  8. #8
    spark-o-cet's Avatar

    checkin in

    girl,what are doing with that swine flu?been playin with them pigs again huh?naw just kiddn,hope you feel better and make full recovery as i know you will.

    when did you go on suboxone?i thought you pretty much had it licked,guess you never really felt good did you,i mean when you were completely clean,i know how it is,trust me.so the sub working good for you?hope so,the first 2times i was on sub it worked perfect for me,i felt good,really good,but this time around it is a different story,i dont feel like i think i should no matter how much i take or dont take.like i told reach above,i was on short acting opiates the first two times i went on sub and of course the sub is stronger than hydro and oxy,but this last time i had been on methadone for over year,and methadone is stronger than the sub is,so i have never felt like i did the other two times and it really sucks bigtime.i kinda feel like i have been in real low w/RAB for the past 2and half yrs now.i really wish i knew you and lived close by you so we could support each other,you have been a good friend to me on here and i appreciate it girl,i dont know it seems like we could really help one another out if the situation were like that.do that make any sense at all?

    anyway,glad you are doing good,its time you felt good for once isnt it,if the sub works for you then lay with it girl,it beats the heck out of the other stuff as you already know,glad the family is well,you sound happy in your post,before you kinda sounded like me,not happy not sad,just kinda here,goin thru the motions i guess.glad to here you are over the swine flu.keep on keepin on-spark

  9. #9
    spark-o-cet's Avatar

    checkin in

    secrets,i dont know if i remeraber you or not,doesnt matter thanks for the kind worRAB,and yes the sub is working for me but i cant say its working perfectly.it beats the heck out of the other junk,you know.glad you are sober and clean,when did you go thru the detox?what yr?did you have a different screen name back then?back in 05 i got caught up in the nutracleanse stuff,it was good,but like anything else,to much and its no good.then methadone after that,then on sub for the third time around.im gettin to where i hate sub,the taste and the way it makes me feel.it still really effects the mind and the way we think and feel.im waiting for the day when they come out with a pill that you take and alll w/RAB and cravings will be gone,just one pill and it be like you were never addicted.i really think they will have something like that one of these days.anyways,ill be waitn,godbless-spark



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