physical disability and have been in? community college for 6 years. I feel like its done nothing for me. I tried getting a personal assistant, tutoring, i ve studied with my professor and friends for tests, I've had tests read to me and still have problems. I am still dependent on my parents and voc rehab says they can help You get transportation, move into an apartment, get a job etc. I still feel like a 12 year old and don't know why my parents are so upset about college. I don't need to be a lawyer or doctor or teacher to be happy and I dont think I would be good at those jobs. i have my own money from other sources so i dont get the problem. They say they are ok with me going to voc rehab yet they keep pressuring me to go to school and i am frustrated. The other day my mom was threatning to not emotionally/physically support me unless i went to college until my dad stopped her. What do i do to stop them from pressuring me? I am very frustrated. I am trying to find my own trI have short term memory problems so tests are difficult. Also i am horrible at math and still have yet to take it
ansportation but the bus service wont come to my area.