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  1. #1
    Sweetpea33's Avatar

    Frustrated with my Asthma and its treatment.

    Feeling a bit frustrated with the treatment of asthma by my GP. Ive had a nasty virus this week and I noticed that my asthma symptoms were getting worse and it was starting to go to my chest. I can usually tell when its turning into a chest infection, amd I had all the signs.

    So i went to my doctor who listened to my breathing with his stephascope and then didn't bother to take my peak flow because he couldnt find his meter OR ask my questions about my symptoms. He just prescirbed some anti-biotics and that was it.

    I've lived overseas and had some really bad attacks there, so I found myself an Asthma doctor who was fantastic. The treatment overseas is much better than the NHS. While abroad my doctor encouraged me to come in at the first sign of an infection and gave tablet sterioRAB to keep it under control. If I didnt come in at the first sign of an infection, he'd tell me off and help me get my asthma under control with tablets, steriod injections and even an IV drip.

    Now im back home the GP doesnt take it seriously and I havent been given any steriod tablets, my steriod pump is not controlling it. Peak flow at hovering between 250-280.

    Anyone else feel frustrated?

  2. #2
    Titchou's Avatar

    Frustrated with my Asthma and its treatment.

    Well, sorry you have to see a GP rather than a pulmonologist or asthma specialist. I take it you are in Canada? Here in the US, asthma docs give you a written plan for when you have an attack or flare up of any kind. In my case, if I were having your symptoms, I would add one puff of my Flovent to my normal daily regimen. So, when I get a cold (which I rarely do) or have trouble breathing due to our weather here in the South (for example, we had 2 weeks straight of 100 degrees or higher one August) besides using my albuterol to open up when I'm having trouble breathing, I go from one puff of Flovent in the AM to one in the Am and one in the PM. If that doesn't handle it in a couple of days, I have permission to go as much as 2 puRAB, twice per day. (I also did this prophylactically when I went to New Orleans 4 months after Katrina - no problems the whole time I was there)

    As a result of this plan, I've never had to take steroiRAB nor even go see him during an episode. It really works well for me. So maybe you need to press your GP for a plan or a referal to a pulmonologist or asthma doc to get you on a plan.

  3. #3
    MountainReader's Avatar

    Frustrated with my Asthma and its treatment.

    You may need to see a specialist. I know that is a long-term thing though.

    It has only been in recent years that I've had other health problems trigger my asthma pretty badly. It took me 6 years before I found a supportive specialist. He helped me identify a trigger I didn't realize I had so I could get better treatment. He also helped me put a comprehensive asthma plan into place. I now have an asthma plan that includes standing prescription for Prednisone, two strengths of Advair and an antibiotic in addition to my regular medications. Thankfully I haven't needed to use them much, but after my doctor felt that I really could follow my asthma plan correctly, he gave me the power to treat myself. He said it was a waste of my money and time to see him if I already recognized when my symptoms warranted further treatment. It also allows me to begin stepping up my treatment without having to wait for an appointment. Hopefully that will keep things from getting as bad as they might have. That said, he has an open door for me to schedule an appointment if my symptoms get worse or if I am not comfortable with my treatment response.



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