Hello, I was wondering if anyone could tell me about problems with the thorasic spine. I have a ruptured disk at T-7...plus others in the lurabar region...also at the very end of my spine...I'm not sure what that is called.... My question is that I have bowel problems...what I am trying to say is that I never have the urge to use the restroom. Their are absolutely no urges at all....I have been this way I guess for at least 3 yrs. now. The only time I can go...is if I take stool softeners ..and the package says 1 to 2 daily...in my case I have to take at least 7 a day...just to go. And then sometimes that doesn't even work...I take the ones with a stimulant laxative in them. If I waited for that natural urge...I never would go....I noticed when my back got worse this started to happen. Any advice or input would be helpful.