so, i'm 17 years old and i have a 1 year old daughter Lillyana. her father has been in jail since i had her for doing drugs and recently got out.while he was in jail he was writing me and he'd draw her pictures and send them to me to give to her however i didn't i just tossed them out.i got a boyfriend because i needed help with my baby and i didn't want her to grow up without a father and i didn't know how lng he would be in jail. as soon as he got out of jail he found out my boyfriend was helping me raise lilly ad he called me and started to cuss at me and threatened me. i live on my own in and apartment with lilly and my boyfriend, i'm a junior in high school and i have a part time job.he told me that he won't pay me child support and i can go rot in hell. i'm debating if i should take him to court or not and should i let him be a part in Lilly's life or not? should i be dating or shouldn't i? any advise? i'm not looking for mean things. i know i'm stupid and got pregnant young but i'm doing my best raising my daughter and giving her a good environment to live in. please help. NOTE: her father does drugs and use to beat me before he went to jail.