ruining the friendship? I am starting to like a friend in one of my classes. I have known him for a little more than a year and we are pretty good friends and I feel there might be a chance that he likes me back because of the way he acts and how his friends and my friends act around us and say about him, but I am still not sure because unless he tells me that he likes me, I won't be 100% sure. His friends asked my friend if I liked him(she answered "I don't know" and then his friend said my crush doesn't think I like him or something o_o ) Plus they always joke about how we should date each other and act like they are suggesting and hinting something whenever we are hanging out together and I don't understand why they would do that. Do you think maybe my crush told them something about me, because I'm not that close to his friends and I've never told them my feelings for him?
o_O And he's also an extremely shy guy and I've heard from his friends that he never had much experience with girls and he's too shy and scared to confess or ask girls out.

So maybe I should confess to him, but the question is....should I confess now or on the last day I see him, since I will be switching to a different college this fall? The thing is, if I confess right now, I could be risking a lot or gaining a lot because if he returns my feelings, we could end up in a relationship with more time with each other but if he doesn't return my feelings, he might feel uncomfortable around me and might not want to be friends with me anymore. It would hurt me a lot to see him in class avoid me and pretend that I don't exist or treat me in a rude manner. If I confess on the last day I see him (which is the end of June) I don't know how much I would risk. If he accepts me, we probably won't see each other that often depending on which college I go to although I strongly believe long distance relationships could work, but if he rejects me and decides he doesn't want to be friends with me anymore, it probably wouldn't hurt as much because I won't have to see him at school anymore.

What should I do? I'm the type of person who prefers to confess so I won't have to deal with regrets or "what ifs" but is confessing to him on the very last day I see him a good idea or is it better to confess now? Although I would like to get together with him, I mostly want to know how he feels for me and I want to expect too much from this situation. I used to be so scared to even show someone my interest towards them and I have let so many opportunities pass me by, but now I want to change that.
I mean "I DON'T want to expect too much from this situation"
thanks!! I guess I will tell him soon
so nervous x__X haha