Imagine that you couldn’t sell a speaker larger than 6.5 inches or that could produce more than 100 watts of power, or you couldn’t sell any system with more than 4 speakers. Dealers in Hawaii are facing legislation that would ban all of the above.
The bill goes before a State legislature committee tomorrow, Wednesday, February 9. Without opposition from local retailers, one local lawyer said it could easily pass and severely curtail the auto sound business in Hawaii.

The bill would specifically ban the installation, ownership or use of any car with aftermarket speakers over 6.5 inches in height or depth, any 5 speaker aftermarket system, any aftermarket speaker over 100 watts and any aftermarket speaker installed external to the passenger compartment or in an open hatch back. (All of these bans exclude OEM systems). The bill seeks to impose a fine of up to $250 for each violation. It could go into effect immediately if approved by the House Transportation Committee on Wednesday.
Hawaii car stereo dealers are encouraged to attend the hearing on the bill HB 1178 on Wednesday at 9:00AM in House conference room 309 and to contact your fellow retailers

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