...yet. Why? And before you start swinging from tires claiming Obama hasn't produced any have a look at these,

Stimulus creates 640,000 jobs
White House releases first broad look at stimulus-funded employment, focusing on $150 billion in spending. (CNN Money)

The nonpartisan CBO said in a legally mandated report that the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA) had resulted in between 600,000 and 1.6 million jobs for the U.S. economy that wouldn't have existed in the absence of the stimulus.

Additionally, the CBO said, gross domestic product (GDP) was as much as 3.2 percent higher than it would have been in the absence of the stimulus. It used less than 1/4 of the money allocated too.
The Hill

The $787 billion economic stimulus package has created or saved between 1.7 million and 2 million jobs. The Washington Post

But you folk will deny obama has done anything. It's just the way you are.

You people as opposed to us people so you don't get off the subject.

LOS ANGELES (LALATE) – Congressman John Boehner promises to tell voters “where are the jobs”. John Boehner’s rally “where are the jobs” heated up the final weeks before Tuesday’s midterm election. Now less than 48 hours later, that same rally by Boehner put to the Obama Administration is being put by voters to Boehner.

Boehner in a news statement in October 2010 said that President Obama betrayed the trust of the American public by causing unemployment to grow above, not shrink below, 8.5%. “In February of 2009, President Obama signed the ‘stimulus’ into law amid promises that it would create jobs ‘immediately’ and hold unemployment below eight percent” said Boehner in a news statement.
“Since then, millions more Americans have lost their jobs and the national unemployment has topped 9.5 percent”. The current non seasonally adjusted national unemployment rate sits at 9.2%. California unemployment rate is at 12.4%, in Missouri it’s 9.4%, and in Florida it’s 11.9%. Boehner fumed tha

LOS ANGELES (LALATE) – Congressman John Boehner promises to tell voters “where are the jobs”. John Boehner’s rally “where are the jobs” heated up the final weeks before Tuesday’s midterm election. Now less than 48 hours later, that same rally by Boehner put to the Obama Administration is being put by voters to Boehner.

Boehner’s call upon the Obama Administration has included news remarks that “middle-class families and small businesses across Ohio are joining Americans in asking ‘where are the jobs?,’ but Washington Democrats remain out of touch and out of answers.”

So how will Boehner create jobs? Does Boehner have answers? Just 48 hours after Tuesday’s election, voters want to start hearing answers, from both sides of Washington, about where the jobs are.

Boehner doesn’t specify what sector will get jobs, when they will get jobs, or how the jobs will be created. He does specify what he believes will a) improve the economy and b) prevent it from getting worse.

First, he tells