So I have recently just started getting into the whole "Hunger Games" trilogy that has apparently become somewhat of the next big thing in books since Harry Potter, and I can definitely see why. I am currently reading the first one, and it is by far one of the best books I have ever had the pleasure of, well, reading! I am totally absorbed into it, but now that I have time to come up for air somewhat, I have a question that needs answering!

Oh and please no spoilers Okay, so the question is: Why is that after North America becomes the Capitol of Panem with those 12 districts circling around it, no one bothers to try and take them over while they rebuild after the wake of the apocalypse stuff that happened before that? Or do something? It seems like they were all left to their own devises after all of North America got blown to bits because mother nature was seriously pissed off, so why is it that other countries didn't either swarm in to kill off the rest of us or to give us a hand?

I don't get it!!! It's like no other country exists outside of Panem in this book, and it sooo weird!! Can anyone please answer/!!?

Oh, and since I love to do this, here is a bonus question! Free points! K, is there really going to be a Hunger Games movie coming out? or 2? or 3? That would be soo awesome!!!