You will probly get a kick out of reading this but here it goes

I was trapped in a house (the garage part and upstairs with a bathroom) like the saw movies with a bunch of girls scared shitless . There was a bomb about to go off we had to do impossible challenges to get out or turn the bomb off

I was allowed one phone call so went up to the bathroom called the cops (i know so many ppl who could have helped but i didnt call them idk why) they said they couldnt do anything about it. The people holding us hostage came in while i was on the phone got suspicious i was being quiet i acted like it was my boyfriend and said bye i love you and deleted the 911 call.

We all went downstairs it was time for the bomb to go off but everyone was in the garage even the people holding us (everybody in the dream was female) but the door was open for an escape i was eyeing it. I think they forgot they had to stay by the door to get out but i was closest to it.

then for some reason i heard like 1 second before the bomb was about to go off i made a run for it someone tried to chase me but bomb went off and she got half bombed and died i made it out into the living room safe but everyone behind me was dead it was a horrible mess when i looked back i found a cell phone and called this guy i been talkin to here i panicked and called him he said he was behind the house cuz he went for a run.

so i went behind the house and it was train tracks right there he was on the other side but there were things blocking my view and it was soundproof so i couldnt see if a train was coming or hear it. so i made a run for it and an inch after my foot the train came just in time so i escaped it.

then i gave him a hug and i woke up

(in my life im just going through a break up i got cheated on by someone i loved dearly if that has anythig to do with it and im also very angry in general)