I'm 16, female.

I started questioning my "straightness" when I was 15 in my second semester of freshman year. My attraction towards girls was reaaaally strong and I was certain that I wanted to be with a girl. I was sure it wasn't a phase. I didn't know how to go about that. I even came out to my sister (13) and her best friend (my neighbor, same age) &two close friends. Eventually the feelings of strong attraction began to fade.

I've had only a few crushes on guys before and only one boyfriend that lasted less then two months when I was only 14 years old. That was the only guy I had ever had an instant attraction with but he was into a lot of bad things and had a lot of problems. I've been asked out by a countless number of guys who I'm sure are after me for the wrong reasons. I even denied the only one nice guy I would consider dating because he was different. But I don't feel that way for him! I can't really name one guy at the moment who I do have feelings for.

But there have been three girls who I get this weird feeling for! Like ugh, just a happy butterfly kind of feeling-which I believe to be a real crush. But I don't know...What if it's just a phase again? Who can diagnose me? lol
