So I have had this happen to me MANY times while serving, and it always makes me so angry. I had a 20 top from a bible study group come and run up a $300 tab, with me as their only server. I gave them GREAT service and they even told me as much, but when it came to leave they had me split the check for EACH and EVERY person and all I got for a tip was $5 and a church pamphlet! Why is this okay?

Then yesterday, I had a 5 top with a $40 check and they left me a dollar with a pamphlet detailing that my priorities should not be with money but with protecting my eternal soul or some such.

First of all, I am already a Christian and have saved my soul as much as I hate to put it that way. Plus, a pamphley DOESN'T PAY THE BILLS! How would they feel if instead of a paycheck they got a bunch of bible quotes? I bet they wouldn't feel the same way then about not tipping.

What are some other's thoughts on this?