Hi, I'm taking a break from mountains of manufactured skin care products with claimed "magical ingredidents" and always end up not as effective as i'd like them to be So i'm looking for some simple and natural D.I.Y skin care method.... and I'm in need of a gentle exfoliating scrub, but everything i found on the market is either too harsh on my skin or too gentle to remove all the dead skin cells and dirt.
What do you think of this ? Rice is so well-known for its benefits for skin (soften, lighten, reduce wrinkles...) and green tea is no doubt a pack of antioxidant in every cup!
So im thinking of mixing this two ingredients - minced cooked white rice and green tea into an gentle exfoliating mixture ? maybe add some honey too ?
Give me your opinion! and maybe your own D.I.Y facial scrub that you found effective on oily yet sensitive skin

