When I found out my fiancé of eight yrs had cheated, I cried and spoke to my best pal. I was distraught and broken heated. She said "Guess what, I am getting married". She only has known him 2 months!!! Cos the way my ex cheated & nasty things he did, I talked to my pal but she would always say “Don’t mention him, I’m not interested and I don’t want to know.” So I had to shut up & and deal with it on my own.

She then told me "You are not my maid of honor any more cos I haven’t seen you much" Then said not a bridesmaid either. Her ex room mate of 1 year is her maid of honor! I met her b/friend for 1st time cos my pal and I were going to ballet (free tickets) and he said I looked lovely. My pal who was wearing jeans just said to him "Yes she always overdresses" and when he said she should have made an effort, she went mad, AT ME???
A few day s later she then text me out of the blue to say "Guess where i am, just about to go to Grand Can aria with my guy, see you when I return" Is that why she text me???????

I finally confronted her as2 why she’s ignoring me & she said “You’re just a jealous cow dont bother coming, I don’t want you at my wedding!!!! I was distraught cos my fiancé said when he cheated “I only got engaged 2keep you till some1 better came along so I don’t want you now move on.” Seems she had done EXACTLY the same cos she has her guy she don’t want me no more. I went to see her & we hugged it out. I told her me not being her maid of honor killed me & her being selfish not allowing me to discus my break up etc is not right. Her fiancé spoke for her&said she is a selfish git sometimes.
She said I’m a snob cos rowed with her in a pub cos she wanted sex with a guy in the alley. I said she is a tart if she does so she called me an idiot & said I piss her off. I’m not that type of girl & never have been so why the sudden nastiness. She explained I have ignored her in the past and stood her up but I only remember 1. She used to stand me up when I was actually dressed ready to go out!! She used to tell me she was staying in, then drunkenly txt me in town saying she was having a brill night with her pals. When I told her, she says “I can’t remember.” I told her I was sorry cos due to the stress I had a miscarriage too & then her and her guy said we want to be pregnant by Xmas. I said I may not be able to conceive and they just said "Oh we cant wait'

In the hugging, I said sorry for EVERYTHING I have done and I meant it. She did say sorry but her guy mostly spoke for her and when I apologized for stuff I’d done, she said the stuff she was sorry for she couldn’t remember it anyway.