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  1. #1
    woahhh[baby]'s Avatar

    for anyone who has gone to summer camp, what is your favorite memory?

    soo im basically asking this question because im too old to go back to camp this year and this is the time that i would normally be signing up

    so what's your favorite camp memory?

    i have soo many but i think the two funniest are:
    when i tried to secretly charge my phone(because they weren't allowed) but all the plugs in the girls bathroom were taken so i snuck into the guys bathroom and plugged it in but then i was stuck in there because there were counselors outside! ahhaa and long story short i got caught in the boys bathroom..and of coursee my guy friend had come in so they thought we were making out or something..and they took my phone.

    annnd there was another time when i was younger and we first learned about sex hahaaa so all of us in our tent were talking about it..i guess kind of loudly lol..and some of the counselors were right outside listening. and then they jumped inside the tent and scared us..hahaha we were soo embarassed.

    ok yours?

  2. #2
    Ian R
    Ian R's Avatar
    eating mashed potatoes.

  3. #3
    Skelt's Avatar
    When we made some kind of device that sounded like a cricket chirping. For some reason, I found electronics fun.

  4. #4
    Jakelin's Avatar
    we had the farthest cabin away from the middle one(where the counsleres slept) so we all gathered there none of us really new about sex but we all knew a little bit so like 15 of us (11 other girls snuck over to our cabins) were in my cabin and we were all talking about what we knew and stuff and then all of a sudden we here a loud yell from the counsleres cabin that said "you know some of that stuff is wrong" followed by a fiant sound of all the counslers laughing.
    we were all sooo embaressed. and everyone was too scared of getting caught that all 15 of us slept in our 4 person cabin that night.
    The next morning they snuck back to their cabins at 6:00am.

    haha it was soo ufnny we all thought they were going to like call our parents and tell them what we said haha
    that was when i was like 3rd grade

    then a few years ago at a camp (i was 13) we were in a class room and the desks had like the atached on one side table so anyway i was sitting on this guys lap while we were in that small chair/desk thing then the counsler
    (shes wasnt too much older then us) she pushed the open side agianst the wall and put somthing on the ground so we couldn't move it away, soo we both were trapped and we were laughing and my head was sorta next to his (between it and the wall) then the adult intsructor
    walked in and the boy turned towarsd me and the adult instructor thought it looked like we were making out. and told us to stop so i tried to shift away so he could see we wern't but then that stupid boy pulled me into a huge hug, so it looked even worse... by the next hour it was all over camp that we were a couple and making out, even the like 6 year olds knew and would like ask us if we liked eachother we'd say no then they be like then y were you kissing and then giggle running away. Needless to say it was pretty embaressing especially since all the instructors from that point on were told to keep an eye on us or keep us sepertated. haha I actually still talk to that boy on the phone like every day even though he lives lke 30 minutes a way.

  5. #5
    I luv answers
    I luv answers's Avatar
    My favorite memory was playing with the all kids and being able to play on the playground all day and going on field trips to the beach.

  6. #6
    Katie's Avatar
    hahaha mines when we went canoing for the first time and like we went in the mouth of this cave and the seeling was realy mossy and my friend hit the mossy seeling this a long stick and it started moving and we like spazzed out and we were screaming cuz the whole sceling was coverd in spiders, not moss XD

  7. #7
    Errrca!'s Avatar
    haha, your story is funny. its similar to mine..

    me and my friends got caught sneaking in the boys cabin, we werent going to do anything bad, we just wanted to check it out.. but we still got in trouble.

    my best friend at camp got kicked out for throwing rocks at people, which was kind of funny, and she spread a rumor that my other friend stuffed her bra. So a bunch of us girls including the camp conselors took a picture of all of us in our bras to make her feel better!! (none of us had big boobs either)

  8. #8
    Deb B
    Deb B's Avatar
    My Favorite Memory was when me and my sister sneaked into our head masters Cabin and put a real life snake at the end of his bed and ran and did not come back til the next day around 10:00 loll we was in so much trouble

  9. #9
    dilloa91's Avatar
    Favorite was eating the flame broiled burgers and chili.

    Yummmm. I love food.

  10. #10
    inmate#5's Avatar
    First kiss and first fight



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