These type of situations have happened several times in our marriage, but I'll give you an example of one time to go off of. So I like to have a comforter on me when I sleep, even if it's burning hot. My husband comes storming into the bedroom one night and starts complaining about the comforter. I tell him it can just be on me, but he starts asking me in your face questions about why I want it. He says that he wants to cuddle (in a rather rude way) and that he can't do that with the big comforter on me. I tell him that I want it, but we can cuddle without it touching him. Well...he gets more and more intense about his point and I become angry. It turns into me telling him that I won't respond to him anymore until he can speak to me in a polite way and turn over and try to go to sleep. He complains to me more bitterly about ignoring him. He keeps me up for 30 minutes complaining about me, then stalks to the couch. He comes back later and wakes me up to complain more. Who's wrong?