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  1. #1

    HotSync'ing .pdb ISilo Docs

    We are using ISiloX Clipper to take some web pages and create .pdb ISilo docs out of them. ISiloX Clipper is running on another users networked PC and is scheduled to run once a day to pick up any new changes to the web pages. It creates a new set of .pdb files out on a network drive that everyone in the group can access. I use to use DocsToGo 6 since it would allow .pdb doc types to be setup to be hotsync'd from the network drive. I upgraded to DTG version 7 and now when I try to add the .pdb's it says they are an invalid doc type. Is there anything else out there that might do this?


  2. #2

    HotSync'ing .pdb ISilo Docs

    Can you give me the exact text of the error and an error number, if one shows up? It's pretty hard to track down DTG issues without this information.

  3. #3

    HotSync'ing .pdb ISilo Docs

    Documents created by iSiloX can only be opened with iSilo. You cannot open them with Documents To Go.

    As a free alternative, you could try using JPluckX or Sunrise to create offline content and use Plucker to view the files.



  4. #4

    HotSync'ing .pdb ISilo Docs

    Jim, there is not really an error message associated with DTG. It just says "...it is an unsupported document type. Please let us know if this is a document type you would like us to support in the future, etc...". Which is fine because DTG really does not work with this particular doc type. I guess prior to version DTG 7 I was "piggybacking" on DTG's ability to be able to create permanent hotsync entries for the .pdb doc types. I never used DTG to view the .pdb files. I have ISilo on the Palm so once DTG would hotsync them to the external card I would use ISilo to view them.

    What I guess I am looking for is something like DTG that can create a hotsync link to the .pdb doc type out on a Windows drive letter (networked drive) and just simply sync them to my external card every time I run a hot sync. ISiloX Clipper will run the web pages through the converter and make them a .pdb. It runs on a timed schedule and puts them out to be hotsync'd but in my situation it is another user running Clipper and putting them to a network drive so they are available for all to use. Of course one solution is for me to run the same ISiloX Clipper routines that this user runs and just create my own set of .pdb docs.

  5. #5

    HotSync'ing .pdb ISilo Docs

    I see what you were doing now. I thought you were actually reading these in DTG but now see you were using DTG as kind of a conduit. Have you looked at using Scheduled Tasks in Windows? You could set up a task that would copy the PDB files from the network drive to your install folder after whatever time the new web pages are created. They would then be available for hotsync. You'd have to create a batch file that would do the copying but that wouldn't more than few lines and it would really be the correct solution since it's not dependent on any Palm program.

  6. #6

    HotSync'ing .pdb ISilo Docs

    Yea, that is a good idea and solution. Might explore that if there is not maybe a shareware type Palm utility that does something similar.


  7. #7

    HotSync'ing .pdb ISilo Docs

    I got the files to copy via the Scheduler using a batch script however, the Palm QuickInstall application creates some kind of oddly formatted file named "FileList" that has the list of files in either the "HandHeld" or the "ExpCard" directories that are to be sync'd. It adds entries to that file via the QuickInstall app. Simply placing the files in the directory is not good enough for the conduit. I almost can make it work if I can figure out how to get the QuickInstall conduit to recognize the files without entries in this "FileList" file.

  8. #8
    JamieB's Avatar

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    HotSync'ing .pdb ISilo Docs

    I'm using a Clie TJ37 but I think the process should be the same for a Palm. You can bypass the Quick Install app by copying the files you want installed to your C:\Program Files\Palm\YourUserName\Install folder. I just tested this with an updated HandDBase file and the file was installed directly when I hotsynced without the need to go through the Quick Install app. Sony also has a folder called CardInst\Slot-MemoryStick in the UserName folder that allows you to copy a file to this folder to get it installed on the memory stick instead of RAM. I don't know if the Palm has something similar but, even if it doesn't, it should be easy enough to use a program like FileZ to move the files to your memory card if that's where you want them.

  9. #9

    HotSync'ing .pdb ISilo Docs

    Thanks for the info. I found the right directory. On the Palm it is "PalmSyncName"\CardInst\Slot-SD for an install to an external memory SD type card.

    Thanks for your help Jim!

  10. #10

    HotSync'ing .pdb ISilo Docs

    Just a followup. I tried copying the files as in my previous post but the Palm Hotsync conduit still did not recognize them. I discovered that the "bit flag" must be set in order for the "install" conduit to load the files to the Palm device. I found a utility called "Palm CLIS" (Palm Command Line Install Tool) that can be coded in a Windows batch file. It will copy the files to the install directory and set the bit flag to trigger the install conduit to load the files. Unfortunately the utility will not trigger the conduit that loads files to an external memory card.



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