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  1. #1

    Palm TX customer support good or sucks?

    A couple of the user opinions on the Palm TX in the CNET site:

    say that customer support sucks. With so many bad customer support experiences in the past - I want to be sure that if I buy this Palm TX that my problems or questions will be taken care of. Anybody here have good/bad experiences?

  2. #2

    Palm TX customer support good or sucks?

    Let's see jump with both feet but only if I know that it won't be cold when I hit the water?

    Tech support from Palm can be good, bad, or terrible. I think it depends upon what time of the day, how many stars are out or whether there is a full moon or not.

    If you have to call Palm tech support, ever, then take the device back to the place you bought it and get your money back.

    This board is here not because of Palm tech's support being good - that's for sure.

    Seriously, you should never have to call them unless the device is totally defective in some fashion which typically doesn't happen.

  3. #3

    Palm TX customer support good or sucks?

    I pretty much have to agree with Moose there. It can be good, bad, or ugly. I have seen a few posts from Palm support techs on these boards, which may suggest that their support is good (perhaps the rare dedicated employees who enjoy and excel at their job?). On the other hand, I've read all over the place about Palm's support being...lacking -- and that's being kind.

    Again, I concur with Moose Man: if you bought it in a real-life retail store and it's still under warranty, return it if at all possible. Otherwise (say you bought it new on eBay), call up Palm.

  4. #4

    Palm TX customer support good or sucks?

    In general, it sucks. I asked a question on their forum about one of their products which I was thinking of buying and I think I'm still waiting for an answer. I had better experience here

  5. #5

    Palm TX customer support good or sucks?

    I mentioned in this forum a week ago that I was annoyed by a pop-up message stating that when the PDA had synced with a different PC the Hotsync interrupted/paused the operation until I manually intervened on my PC by hitting the OK button. After reaching the limit of my patience (and figuring that I am in the warranty period), I submitted the question a few days later to the Palm Tech Support regarding this HotSync issue.

    The response I got was pretty quick, but it was way off track! This guy wanted me to reinstall the desktop software and if that didn't work, then do a hard reset. I have been a tier2/tier3 in tech support for 20+ years and clearly this is a last resort effort, not a first shot. Obviously, his turban was wrapped too tight, and wasn't getting blood to the brain.

    To make this suggestion look even more ridiculous, I stumbled across the solution myself by looking at the custom settings in the desktop software. Right there in the settings panel for Outlook Calendar is a checkbox "Enable synchronization to multiple PCs". Even a junior support tech should have quickly recognized this solution.

    As I watch high tech jobs go overseas to these obviously inferior support centers, I can't help but wonder what U. S. corporations are thinking. To the CEOs, it's all about saving a few bucks. But to the consumer, it is all about service. And bad service eventually eliminates repeat business.

    In the month that I have owned my T|X I have learned more from the folks in this forum and searching sites like palmloyal, palmblvd, rabroad, etc. than I have by asking the experts.


  6. #6

    Palm TX customer support good or sucks?

    Yeah, I don't know what companies are thinking either. Doesn't it make a lot more sense to have a repeat customer base for steady income instead of making a quick buck now with cheap crummy service?



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