You teach that only those under the new covenant are able to partake of the Lord's Supper and that only the 144,000 are able to partake.

I must assume then that, only the 144,000 are under the new covenant. Is this correct?

The New Testament or New Covenant was therefore only for the these 144,000 and has nothing to do with the "other sheep" that are not under the New Covenant.

As Christ's death as payment for sins is the basis for this New Covenant, this also means that the "other sheep" are still under the Old Covenant and their sins are not forgiven. Only those that accept that Christ died for them, under the New Covenant can accepts God's free gift of salvation.

How can the "Other sheep" ever be saved, as they can not be part of the new Covenant?

Christ said that unless you eat and drink of the emblems you have no life in you, as the "other sheep" do not partake are they under this condemnation from Christ?

If not how?