This is very embarassing for me to talk about. But I have to get it out there since I am desperate for answers. I am 20 years old and have been with my boyfriend for seven years. We started having sex a year ago... slowly learning things. As time went on I felt I wasn't normal. In the beginning my bf was a premmie and has progressed to being able to last 30 mins. But I notice that whilst having sex I get this feeling that I have to pee which I am told that if left alone will lead to a normal orgasm. But since my bf usually orgasms before me we'd stop and then shortly afterward I'd go to the bathroom and dispense this clear liquid. I didn't feel that it was very intense. During the beginning though my father was till alive so sex was rushed. Now my dad is dead and were living in his house with my older brother who helps us pay the bills since we only have part time jobs and don't make enough to live on our own. I wonder if maybe my body has gotten into routine with the whole rush it thing and maybe if my bf has too. On another note I became curious about my sex life because I watched strictly sex with dr drew. The episode was about orgasms. He said if you have any kind of nerve affecting disease that it will affect your ability to orgasm. I know that I was born prematurely and with a minor form of cerebral palsy. When my mom was pregnant with me she fell and her cord wrapped around my neck causing me to lose air and brain cells. During my childhood I had to take speech classes and coordination classes until I was 10 years old. I'm fine now the only issue I have is my short term memory loss due to my cerebral palsy not to mention I am near sighted so I have to wear contacts or glasses. So does any of that affect my ability to orgasm since when under pressure to it seems like I can't and when I apparently do it doesn't feel right? I'm confused... someone please help me.