A bit long, but oh, well.:-

"There are just many men out there with very strong anti-feminist positions because they feel threatened by it. You can tell by the way The Grappler talks. He goes on and on about how women are stealing all of our jobs and have an unfair advantage. Yes, there are scholarships and small opportunities at work available to us that aren't available for males. But they aren't just there because feminists demand to elevate women to a higher status. It's to combat years and years of women being less than equal. It's like affirmative action. Yes, I know there are many people that don't agree with it, most of them being white males. I used to disagree with it because why should a minority be treated as better than a white person if we're all equal. But white, heterosexual, middle to upper class males do not understand at all what it is like to come from a "lesser" background. They do not realize how many more obstacles other people face. So when there's a program to boost these people, it is not because anyone thinks they are better than men or white people, it is because someone is giving them incentive to keep going and make something of themselves instead of fading into the background with all the other less successful people of their race, gender, etc."

Those around here will know already that I, for one, do not come from any privileged background - yet (example only) because of my 'white man' position, I have been savagely disadvantaged under affirmative action programmes. To me - that gives the lie to the entire rant, but you have your say....

And I do NOT say that 'women are taking our jobs' - I point out the calculated discrimination in our society and call it illegal.

Source:- http://au.answers.yahoo.com/question/index;_ylt=At93WWtxkLt.3C2.GChV9Tfh5gt.;_ylv=3?qid =20110904125418AAP6a0C
Jess - I've mentioned a list of reason why I was turned into an anti-feminists - none of them ahving to do with my children. I HAVE discussed the savage impact on men of having their children taken away from them. all of my stories are the truth, and I have also stated quite clearly that I worked free for a lady candidate in our 2007 election on the basis that she is/was the best person, and that my last boss was a woman and we got along famously. You are misquoting me, as are many other here who do not have the capacity to deal with facts without emotionalising them so as to tip their view towards a victim mentality.
Jess - you are misquoting again. I said that thatcher was a bad PM for a number of reasons - namely her policies, and that, as a result, her party is reluctant to have another woman again. I ahve also, several times, discussed the way in which political parties - which for some reason you seem to trust - set about knifing genuine women's aspirations in the back. As for La Gillard - I ahve rpeatedly pointed out tht she is not a people's choice, she is a feminist and thus a rtatbag the same as the Minister of Defence - a man, and that she and the leader of her opposition are equally bad - along with their parties and their policies.

Get a grip.