Hello everyone! I am a banjo player and I like classical music and, at the moment, are all about transcribing it to the instrument I play (when life gives you lemons etc). I was hoping some of you out there may be able to list a some/a lot of solo classical pieces or classical ensemble pieces with a clear and recognisable melody that doesn't rely on polyphony to create the tone of the music... if you get what I mean; like it would be pretty difficult to reenact Flight of the Valkyrie on any solo instrument due to how the entirety of the orchestra contribute to the music.

If any of you are laughing or scoffing at the concept of classical banjo I COMPLETELY understand :L Yeah, yeah, it's a "hillbilly instrument" but if you actually scratch the surface it has a wealth of different genres of music. Youtube "Bela Fleck classical" or "Jayme Stone Thyme Quartet" and see what you think then

Anyway, I learned the 1st movement to Beethoven's 5th a while ago and have been learning Bach's Violin partita in D minor. I would really appreciate some more suggestions, not *just* bach but some unexpected composers (film soundtracks?) would also be amazing!

So yeah, longest, most useful/applicable and innovative will get a big fat "Best answer" to their name

Thank you so much in advance!
Also, I've done a little Saint Saens... just in case you would like to know...