I've had the hardest time finding anime of these two genres, especially the both of them in one anime. I've watched Darker Than Black and Witch Hunter Robin in the past and am currently waiting for the final episode of Stein's Gate. See a connection? All are sci-fi in a way and each are thrillers/mysteries. I mainly use Anilinkz.com and therefore am highly limited in thriller anime (I swear there is only 5 or so classified there).

Anyway, I'm looking for anime of either of these genres or both preferably. The only regulation is that they can't be overly romantic. There can be a love interest and a kiss but nothing further. A few perverted jokes are okay but I absolutely do NOT want to watch anime that are highly romantic. They are of no interest to me, especially when it is not pertaining to the plot. I want a thriller..something that keeps me on my toes.

I want an anime where the deaths, even though they may be slightly predictable, are unique and intriguing. I want to feel the suspense and love it all the same. Any recommendations are greatly appreciated but nothing overly romantic. (I have already stated that) A brief summary and the list of genre that they are would be highly helpful.