I'm 13years old and in eighth grade. I'm thinking about ditching my old, beat up backpack in favor of something a bit more sophisticated. I just started considering the advantages of a bag instead of backpack. Like,

1. I wouldn't have to take it off every time i wanted to get something out of it
2. It would be way cuter, which also means I could take it to places like a dance, for example, or like if I were going on a date after school (I'm not currently dating, but it could happen)
3. It would be another way for me to be a little bit different, make me stand out a little more.

Anyways, I can't afford anything new so I'll probably get it at the thrift store if I decide to start carrying one. I'd like a designer one (I mean, it might as well be a $5 designer bag versus a $5 target bag), so if you know any handbag designers could you please tell me some? I know Kate Spade, Juicy, Marc Jacobs, and Louis Vuittin. What are more names to look for?