Okay, So i will try and be as descriptive as possible.

I would like to start off by saying there is NO hardware issues. Ram checks out, HDD is fine, Other OS's such as linux work perfectly (albeit linux works the best it can on a u100 xD)

So, since the Wind netbook U100 has no DVD/CD drive i swapped out the HDD's with my Aspire 7551 in order to install the 32-bit version of windows 7. Install went smoothly there were no issues with that.

So i swapped the HDD's back to there respective machines (No damage ensued ). This is were everything starts to go wack-o..

So i started the Wind U100 up, it boots, I select windows 7 OS i just installed, it's starts to go. When i get to the windows 7 logo it's crashed. I get a blue screen error that flashes on the screen for a fraction of a microsecond, (Not enough time to see the BBC code.) Starts to boot again then goes into the dreaded, boot blue boot loop.

I'm usually pretty tech savvy but i have no idea why this is happening. This netbook has run windows 7 32 before with no issues (Besides it being a tad slow.) Any ideas?
Details i forgot: Safe mod with and with out networking is the same thing. Also when i swapped it back to the Aspire it works.
*Cough*... Oh rite...
It worked with linux :P... Any way ill just have to buy use and return a USB dvd drive from walmart tomorrow thanks guys