We have a system in which banks and employers control our financial future, and our retirement. People that have worked their whole life can lose everything because of one ponzi scheme or something like that. Why is it so bad to have a plan where American citizens automatically get retirement at a certain age from the government? By the time my generation, I am 20, retires, I doubt social security will have anything left, yet they take it from our paychecks anyway.

I realize that this would lead to higher taxes, but aren't the benefits worth it? We have the highest homeless and Poverty rate of any first world country. Capitalism only helps the rich. My parents have both been working thier whole lives, they don't do drugs or drink or get any money from the gov. now. They are not lazy at all. Yet they will barely have enough money to retire on in a few more years, and certainly not very comfortably, without having to seriously budget.
There are many other hard-working people that got laid off due to the recession that are now homeless. These are not drug addicts, (obviously some homeless are), but many are college educated people that cannot find a job or pay their bills. The government does not help all of them, and they end up on the streets. This should not happen in this country.

Why, besides taxes, would a little more "socialism" be so bad? Yes, some people will take advantage, but many people truly need it. There seems to be a thought that only lazy and or druggie people end up like that, but that is not true, especially now. (also, a lot of Republicans are Christians, and a large part of Christianity is helping the poor, not letting them sleep on the streets because damnit I earned my money and they can't have any!)

I really am curious why people are against it, I would appreciate adult answers with no name calling.