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  1. #1
    BrewerB's Avatar

    Obama and Abe lincoln?

    Does anyone else think it is odd that Obama constantly compares and models his presidency after a man who tore the country apart, suspended habus corpus, had more Americans killed than in every other war combined, wanted to send blacks back to africa, and died in office.

    I don't even understand why lincoln is potraied in a positive light. Slavery would have ended with or without the civil war it may have just took another generation and most parts of the south still have not recovered from the civil war. If not for the new deal it would be much worse than it is today.
    The civil war was not about fear black people would get rights it was about fear that states would loose much of the power they had at the time to govern themselfs. We did loose many rights for states to govern themselfs and it has made

    Robert E Lee said "If the war were over slavery alone I would fight for the other side" so don't claim that one. lincoln invaded a soverign nation and when bush did it you gave him crap.
    Nothing said you could not suceed from the union. The states could drop the constition if they wanted at the time and they did, they just did not have the numbers to hold the new country together.
    Margert I hate to tell you but there are still people working in the south today because of the New deal, ever heard of TVA. The new deal is why there is electricity in the rural south and the rivers are now wide and deep enough for marine trafic.
    The new deal may have been a flop but some good did come out of it.

  2. #2
    Brandon's Avatar
    Obama and Abe are nothing alike. Abe started the downturn of this country. The Civil War was not about Slavery but about states rights. The South wanted the country to stay as a Republic when the North wanted to change it.

  3. #3
    Karl F
    Karl F's Avatar
    You have drank the limbaugh koolaid

  4. #4
    kotikod13's Avatar
    No, since that is exactly what Obama is going to finish doing to America only he will do it monetarily... Obama is a fraud this bill by Pukelosi and crew is not stimulus get off yahoo and read it... hope you have the time its about 750 pages last I heard...Obama stated there were no ear marks in the bill that's because the bill is one big ear mark. Hope you like your "Change" be careful what you ask for you just might get it ...all you Obama supporters will soon be in denial and frantically ripping off your bumper stickers..

  5. #5
    Me's Avatar
    Lincoln held the country together through one of the most trying times in our history. I think all presidents are remembered as great for the most part through time. We tend to remember what they did right instead of how they messed up. I think Lincoln did a good job steering the country through those troubled times.

    And also did you just blame Lincoln for getting assassinated.

    he did not invade a sovereign nation. all states up to that point had ratified the constitution. Seceding from the Union was "illegal" (for lack of a better term) as stated by the constitution. So in violating the constitution these people that actually seceded became treasonous enemies of state. Lincoln did what any president would do.

  6. #6
    margaret h
    margaret h's Avatar
    The South did not benefit from the New Deal.
    It was harmed by it worse than the rest of the country because it was rural and there were NO jobs. The unemployment rate was almost double that of the rest of the country.
    It would have been better off without the New Deal which destroyed the economy of the US.

    Contrary to the Democratic Fairy Tale, the New Deal was a failure that prolonged the Depression and never helped the US.
    Despite repeated attempts by the government to intervene, they never managed to get the banking system under control. (hmm, sounds like today.)
    Legislative and regulatory efforts consistently upset the balance of the economy and the unemployment level remained in the high double digits until WWII required American to work in supplying the war effort.
    Despite full employment, people were still poor.
    The stock market did not return to pre-crash levels until 1954 because of the tax increases of the FDR government used to fund the New Deal.

    From the Wall Street Journal:
    "After four years of FDR’s policies, joblessness declined to 14.3% — still very high but heading in the right direction. Then things turned for worse again: By the fall of 1937, the U.S. entered a SECONDARY depression and unemployment began to rise, reaching 19% in 1938.
    By 1939 Roosevelt’s own Treasury secretary, Henry Morgenthau, had realized that the New Deal economic policies had FAILED.
    “We have tried spending money,” Morgenthau wrote in his diary. “We are spending more than we have ever spent before and it does not work. . . . After eight years of this Administration we have just as much unemployment as when we started. . . . And an enormous debt to boot!”

    How much debt will Obama and the Democratic Congress put us into for "as far as the eye can see" as Obama puts it????
    So America can FAIL again with these same "tired and worn out ideas" from the FAILED New Deal?

  7. #7
    ROBOT ROLL CALL's Avatar
    Lincoln was born in KENtucky, Obama was born in KENya. That's where the similarities end.

  8. #8
    duvvbrand's Avatar
    You should read the propaganda piece in TIME this week.

    They literally said Abe Lincoln would have supported the TARP program (the bank bailout that failed miserably that Obama voted for).

    What a fking joke.....

  9. #9
    aural marginalized
    aural marginalized's Avatar
    The Lincoln propaganda orgy of TIME and other media fellow travelers at present is rooted in the fact that the American Communist Party claims Lincoln as their own; they openly celebrated "Lincoln-Lenin Day" during the 30s and 40s. Karl Marx was very enthusiastic about Lincoln's reelection.

    Don't blame President Lincoln; he would be disgusted with the effete dissipate Bill Ayers too.

    In any case, Lincoln was a capitalist, whose Secretary of State not only envisioned foreign expansion as one of the possibilities of a re-United States, re-constructed and industrialized,

    but purchased the Alaska territory from Russia.

  10. #10
    Gatsby's Widow
    Gatsby's Widow's Avatar
    Hmm...sounds like you have been reading revisionist history.



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