hey guys,
im with my friend andrew and he needs some advice, as you all know from my previous questions im in a long term relationship and me and my girlfriend obviously discuss periods.
however andrew has been dating his girl for a little over 6 months and she acts like periods do not exist hes never had a girlfriend that wouldn't talk about periods and neither have i, so we're kinda lost. he can tell when she has it because she is of course moody and even though she doesn't talk about the cramps, he can definitely tell shes cramping and in pain. shes got all the obvious period symptoms that any good boyfriend would notice. he really just would like to help her get through this rough week and care for her, but hes not sure it's the best idea to just ask her about it, girls whats your opinion, is there a good way to approach this without embarrassing her or do you think she'll eventually talk to him? what would you like for your boyfriend to do in this situation?

also i have a question for myself,
my girlfriends getting sorta bloated around 2 weeks before her period,
what is a good fix for this? shes only 87 pounds so a tiny bit of bloating makes her tummy pretty puffy. and she gets rather uncomfortable. i know cramps and mood swings are normal 2 weeks before, but the bloating is really making her self conscious, what can i do?
you guys always give the best advice
so thanks in advance