This is just for fun :P

. Im 15 years old, in grade 10
. I live in Australia
. I have 1 younger sister
. My parents are pretty strict, and they get angry at me a lot
. I do pretty well academically, pretty much a straight A student
. I'm skinny, but im still in a healthy weight range
. I'm not exactly the best looking person, but girls still like me coz of my personality
. I go to a semi private school, which is good i guess
. I have an ok amount of friends, and im in a group with 4 other people, we're pretty close. I pretty much dont hang out with friends outside of school though, and haven't been to a party since like grade 6
. I play tennis, and am pretty good at that too
. I'm tall about 6'2 i think
. I dont drink alcohol or do drugs
. I don't have any major diseases or disabilities
. I haven't experienced anyone close to me dying in my life
. In my spare time i pretty much play video games
. My parents arent super rich, but they make more than average

That's all i can think off haha. So is your life better or worse than mine? :P