okay, so i take birth control regularly, as well as use condoms. but just to be safe i took next choice.. which is exactly like plan b because the condom broke, but just pre *** was in the condom.. about 2 days later, which was when my period was due, i had very heavy bleeding, and it lasted a good 5 days. with this period, i experienced horrible cramps. since that period i have missed 2 periods.. but i still take my birth control. now, just today i experienced some brown discharge.. but i'm not supposed to get my period for about 2 weeks.. which is when i'm supposed to take the brown pills in my bc pack. i have taken NINE pregnancy tests, and they all said negative.. throughout this whole three months. also, please don't tell me to go to a doctor.. because i already took a blood test, but won't get results until january 4.. i really want some opinions quick. :/