i cant get my foils re done as i cannot get rid of my headlice!! so therefore cannot go to a hairdressers
soooo im wanting to dye my hair back to a more all over same color browny color so my re growth wont be so disgusting..as its month number 3 now without being able to go to the hairdressers for my foils..please help im very depressed about not being successful with getting rid of these lice and with my regrowth too i just dont feel very pretty right now..i need to add im a stay at home mum of 2 kids and my husband is away for work ALOT so im basically a single mum..i dont get out much nor do things much for myself and this is NOT helping my self esteem!!
sooo any advice on a do it yourself box color i could try? i need to know good brands as well as the colors i need to put in my hair so it wont make my foils turn a differnent color im scared the color will go ferrel and ESPECIALLY since i CANNOT go to hairdressers to get it fixed i need to make sure i get the right color
thanks so much
im in australia ..and of course ive been trying to get rid of it!!!!!!!!!!!
what you think i like this shit in my hair .......its gross
ive been batteling this crap for 3 months straight now and everything ive tried to get rid of them dont work