Is this a good example of how to use a class in PHP ? I have built a basic class that performs addition , substraction, multiplication and division of two numbers ... Below is the code .. I wanna know if I wrote this class properly

class operation
function Add($x,$y)
echo "The sum of".$x." and ".$y." is".($x+$y)."<br />";
function Sub($x,$y)
echo "The difference of".$x." and ".$y." is".($x-$y)."<br />";

function Div($x,$y)
echo "The Quotient of".$x." and ".$y." is".($x/$y)."<br />";
function Pro($x,$y)
echo "The Product of".$x." and ".$y." is".($x*$y)."<br />";


$b = new operation();
