As Mr Cameron did the same this morning, I decided to shuffle my own cabinet as what was inside was looking worn out. I started with the suits and worked through to the jeans but, lo and behold, no matter how I shuffled them around, they were still old, and pretty much useless for the purpose. Frustrated, I employed the services of my long suffering partner:

Mr M: No. I have shuffled and shuffled, but it is still just full of crap.

Ms T: I'm not surprised

Mr M: Why

Ms T: You haven't actually removed any of the crap. You have just moved it around in the hope that it looks slightly different, and therefore is useful once more. It isn't. To be truely effective you need to remove all of the old suits and replace them with nice new ones that can do the job.

Mr M: Oh.

Truely a metaphore for life in politics.