hey! i believe I have TMJ(Temporomandibular joint disorder ) but it does NOT effect me, no pain, discomfort,...etc.
I enlisted into the Navy and i leave for boot camp in about 3 months. but when i went to MEPS the 1st time, i did not have it, or didnt know i did. and it will not be in my records cause i never got it looked at. so would they see it when i go thru processing in boot camp?!! would they see it in the x-rays? anyone have this prob and didnt disclose it and got thu boot camp w/out them sayin anything?
i know someone will be like "u asked this before" ...but i havent gotten much help. so..yea please help. and lemme know how your answer is legit please if u dont mind.
thank u!!!!!!
dont just say..keep your mouth shut.
duh..im gonna do that cuz there's no reason to tell. but i just wanna know if theyll find out thru x-rays at boot camp.