fellow Christians who do not believe in evolution? What do you say to them? Are they open to your thoughts? Are you ever able to get them to rethink their previous beliefs?

I'm atheist and I find it difficult to discuss evolution with them because once they discover this about me it is as if what I have to say doesn't matter or carry any weight. I explain that I have always accepted evolution even when I considered myself Christian and I explain why accepting evolution does diminsh or contradict any belief in god, but this is all to no avail. This is extrememely frustrating.

Many people tell me that I shouldn't worry about them, it doesn't matter. But, as a physical anthropologist this affects me everyday. And, it irritates me that some people can be so against something that they know so little about. What do you think? What do you do?
excuse me: I meant "doesn't" diminish or contradict...
hmmmm, are you going to answer my question?
John S.: are you saying that to be christian you must interpert the bible literally? The majority of christians i know do not. That is how one can claim to be a christian and still accept evolution, you, my friend, are the one who is confused. Remember, evolution does not purport to explain the origon of matter or energy.
PS. The question is "How do evolution accepting christians deal with non-evolution accepting christians?"
PS. The question is "How do evolution accepting christians deal with non-evolution accepting christians?"