Figure 1

Important notes about the above page,

1.When the page opens all the fields are blank. Except City field, which will have the Name of your City by default.

2.Fields First Name and Last Name both have max length of 10. i.e. form will not allow you to enter more then 10 character in it.

3.The Maximum length of VU ID field is 11. i.e. form will not allow you to enter more the 11 character in it.

Checks to be performed using java script.

As soon as you will move your mouse pointer over the Submit Button,

If the First Name is empty it will display a message First Name Filed is empty , like

2) If the Last Name is empty it will display a message Last Name Filed is empty , like

3) If the VU ID Field is empty it will display a message VU ID is empty , like

4) Date of Birth, Email Address and Address can be empty.