I work third shift Tuesday night through Saturday night and Tuesday night through Friday night sometimes. I'm single, 23 and have my own home. When I get a days off I like to just relax and catch up on things around my home, do laundry, run errands etc. A lot of my friends can't seem to understand that I do like to see them once in a while, but I don't want to spend every single day I have off bar hopping (that's all they do, they practically refuse to do any other activities). If I say I'm tired, or have things to catch up on, they keep bothering me and telling me to grow up or wake up cause it's the weekend. Sometimes they show up at my house and won't just understand the fact I have a lot to do. I do get together with them from time to time, but since all they do is bar hop I either sit there being the only sober person, or drink and pay for it the next day so I don't want that everyday off. Is there anything wrong with me being 23 and just wanting to relax and get things done around the house?
