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  1. #1
    Jazzie's Avatar
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    giving my ex boyfriend a cute photo album bad idea?

    My boyfriend of 2 years just brokeup with me. I'm reallyyy heartbroken over it and I want him back so bad but he won't take me back. We brokeup because we argued alot. Tonight, he is dropping off my ring in my mail box (he works at a jewelry store so he fixes my broken jewelry). I don't know if it would be a good idea to leave my homemade photo album in there of our relationship to hopefully win him back, or am i just going to waste my time by giving it to him?
    i made him the photo album because he is leaving for school at the end of august. i'm not making one specially for our breakup. its already made

  2. #2
    Mari's Avatar
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    You sound desperate. Don't do it!!! If you argued a lot then it's obviously not a healthy relationship. You'll benefit in the long run

  3. #3
    <3rrrr's Avatar
    it might kind of look desperate bc he might think "she's just trying to make me miss her, she made this right when we broke up." maybe meet him outside when he is dropping off the ring and hand it to him. (if he wants to give you the ring in person). also if you have any of his belonging put them in a bag. then put the photo album in. inside the photo album explain how you made the album for when he was going away and y'all were still together, don't talk about old times in the letter or how much you miss him! he'll think your desperate. do say you hope you can remain on speaking terms and at least be friends. also tell him you will always love him whether it be as a boyfriend or a friend, you're always here for him. this will be much better than just leaving it in the mailboxx.

    **if you don't have any of his belongings to put in a bag just give him the album and the note at the same time.

  4. #4
    Ask Lauren
    Ask Lauren's Avatar
    I don't know. That wouldn't be something to give him, even if it was made before the breakup.

    Dropping off each others things from one another is usually a sign that there's really no chance left and it's over.

    I know it sounds harsh, but it's just time to let go. Don't seem desperate.

  5. #5
    em :)
    em :)'s Avatar
    1. If you leave it there he's not gonna know its for him.
    2. No, you'll seem desperate.
    3. People just don't give their ex's gifts like that, for the reasons above. He obviously isn't into you if you guys broke up, so don't go crawling back to him. If he decides he wants you, you'll know. Don't make it more awkward.

  6. #6
    aaron 27's Avatar
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    I don‘t disagree with the first three answers a lot, but I say do it and if he gets upset or anything, don‘t worry about it。He might throw it away or he might like to keep it(although if he ever gets a new girlfriend she will probably want the thing out the window)
    He would be mean not to at least take it, but he might do that to。 I would tell him that you had made it for him because he was leaving and it doesn’t matter if he throws it away or not, just please take it because it would make you feel better。

  7. #7
    Grey Person's Avatar
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    Okay, if your boss just fired you because he thought you were a crappy worker, would you make him a photo album of you on the job so he'd have fond memories?

    Honey, this guy has no respect for you. He wants away from you. Take that album and hide it. Put his stuff out on the lawn and let him pick it up. Cut him off.

  8. #8
    K8IE's Avatar
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    If he already knows about the photo album, drop it off. If not, he might be like WTF is this. Otherwise, I think it's time to move on.

  9. #9
    Candy's Avatar
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    I think you should keep it for yourself and in many years time you can look back on it fondly. There will be a natural break if he's going to college and he's unlikely to want to look at pics of you and him when he's starting a new life. You can move on more easily knowing he's not around but I suggest that you start making a life for yourself now cos no point waiting till then. It's really hard but get busy and you will meet new people and have a great summer. Time heals so you'll look back and think, thank goodness I kept the album for my own little history.

  10. #10
    That's weird. I know you're heartbroken and all, but you have to move on.



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