I've asked this question to some of my friends who like Twilight and they just brush it off. Answers I've read on the internet have been the usual, run of the mill answers from teenage girls.

Edward is so hot!
They are in love!
You're just jealous!
You're stupid!
You're hypocritical!
Twilight is awesome!

Is there any need for me to continue?

I myself use to be a Twilight fan until the insane fandom erupted and I actually started reading the books. I've noticed many, many flaws and I can't even bring myself to say that I would recommend the book to anyone.

So please, give me an educated answer as to why you love Twilight?
And don't say that the character's develop - because they don't. If you do say that they develop, give me more than five character traits. And don't tell me it has a plot, because it doesn't. If you do, tell me what the plot is.

No offense to anyone who actually likes Twilight, by the way.
Hermione: I understand your reasoning on the subject. I've never heard a fan of Twilight put it that way probably because all I ever run into are rabid, crazed fans. All I ever hear are answers that are basically about Edward being "hot" and the book being "great" - not actual reasons why and such. And I can understand some of your points, Edward's character did keep me on edge when I was first reading the book. And I found Alice's character refreshing.
Just as oxblondie927: I asked for an educated reason because all I get are idiotic reasons. "Edward is hot!"
Thank you guys for all your answers - well, the ones who weren't rude and simply proved my point, that is!

I can honestly see why a mass of people love Twilight now. I admit, it is a good story and it's exciting. All of the answers I usually got where stupid and didn't bring anything to the table as I've said before. And sometimes even if I say "I don't like Twilight" I get attacked with reasons why Twilight is amazing yet have no real substance. Thanks.