I would like to know if there are statue of limitations for filing a order for contempt in a child custody agreement. My daughter's father & I have a custody agreement where he gets her one week day & every other weekend. Well he is a deadbeat who barely sees her so his mother & grandmother have been using his visits. Last summer his mother picked her up from me one weekend & when it was time to return her she would not return her. It was a big mess I had to contact the police who directed me to a detective. The detective had me go down to the courthouse to get my court order & fax it over it her. The whole process took 3 days & the detective finally contacted his mother & informed her if she didn't return my daugther within 48 hours there would be a warrant out for her arrest for kidnapping. His mother told the detective that my mother had put me out & that I was homeless & all this other false information. Anyway I finally got her back. I don't have alot of money to get a lawyer but I want her punished for what she did. Is there anything I can do. It was around this time last year.I've saved all the threatening text messages she sent me. Any information would be greatly appreciated thank you.