Ok so detail, im really about ethics and power to the working class at my job. My g/f writes up the work i do. well in dispute about a ticket im working on she fixes it to my likeing but doesnt tell me that the boss and her worked around my likeing on the ticket to make it look as if it were done for me. I later find out this from overhearing them and she tells the boss to be quite cause i dont know. later on in the night ask about it and she trys to say she doesnt know then says it was all the boss. . . . IT was only when i had the papers in my hand that showed what was done did she fess. Now i say its a sign of bad things that the person in my life that shouldnt do things behind my back does. Lieing really bothers me . . and when called upon she says she DIDNT lie and that i quote her that it was only " Not telling you a very minor, insignificant detail that did not affect you " umm is lieing not only substantial when caught and not effect somone until caught. . ? what do you all think of this? and please excuse spelling areas i am trying to type this quickly. .
True True. . But in that same explanation you used. . If I cheated on someone. . in your explanation as long as I don't tell her then she doesnt get hurt . . right?