built this deck in 5 min how did i do? my friend challengend me to see who could build the better deck but the catch was we had to buy packs of new cards and use are od cards so how did i do?
chamberlin-six samurix2
renge,gravekeeper of dark world
dark crusader
gladiator beast daius
familiar possesed-aussax2
witch doctor of sparta
cyber ogrex2
infininty dark
element soldier
zure,knight of the under world
familiar possesed-eria
ballon lizard
super vechroid-stealth union
batteryman D
stealthroidx2 neo-spaciman air humming bird
gldiator beast torax
gladiator beast hoplomus
firestrom prominence
sheins footsoldier
marionette mite
the six samuri-kamon
magic and trap
cage of gladiator beast
call of haunted
spell chronicle
swords of revealing light
byroad sacrfice
gravekeeper's servant
gladiator battle halbeard
hate buster
monster reborn
skull dice
-space typhoon
spell reclamation
strike armor
pyro clock of destiny
defensive tatics
ebon steed