I've recently taken up a 2 year contract with Verizon, so I no longer need these pieces of crap phones or the horrible prepaid service that AT&T charged me so much for. The phones are both active until the 25th, and on that day they automatically credit $29.99 and all of the taxes and crap to two separate credit cards. I can't stand even calling AT&T on the phone, because their Customer Service is usually some indian guy who doesn't know what I'm saying and doesn't know how to operate his computer, so he screws something else up in the process. I've tried their "611" automatic customer service, which is what made me want to change providers in the first place. I tried to switch services and they kept me on my old services, regardless of my requested change - and kept charging me for extra stuff, of course. For instance...sending me a text message and then charging me 15 or 20 cents for the freaking message that I didn't ask them to send.

I've thought about just calling up both credit card companies, telling them that I lost the cards and that I need new cards issued. Unless there is a way to kill the account online. I've logged in and I do not see that feature. Suggestions?